Hey guys!
So if anyone remembers Scaredy Dave, Ive kinda taken a break from it for a little bit (sort of, more like I was SEVERELY DISTRACTED by video games.) The show isnt over yet, yes Im working on it, you can view more episodes of the Lets Play portion on Youtube, I also have the Prologue and Epilogue fully boarded and voiced and the sound is all mixed, I just have to animate the darn thing. I have animated pretty much all of the first shot of the Prologue, just need to finish up the mouths and Ill be good to go.
Otherwise, I went to E3! I JUST thought to post it here, kinda late but hey, why not throw it out there. It was a blast! You can view my video I made of it here:
And you can view the photos I took from it here:
Otherwise just wanted to let you guys know Im still alive and Scaredy Dave is still happening. I also mailed a game off to the Game Grumps. It was "Irritating Stick" for the PS1. So if they have an Irritating Stick episode and they thank a Dave Bruno at the beginning, thats me. Dont know if theyll post it or not but there you go if they do!
Catch ya later!
-Dave Bruno
(PS: Heres a Blood Sloth, it appears in the first shot of Episode 03)
Man, I would want to visit E3 sometime. It just seems so cool to see so much stuff like that.
But here I am, wanking at home reading Reddit what's going on in there, complaining how big sellouts some things are and which things are definitely vertical slices that don't fully visualize the real game experience (I'm looking at you, Watch Dogs).
Good luck with your projects, though. I just saw "I went to E3!" and got here by impulse.
Haha thanks! I think... If you haven't followed those links you should for more E3 stuff! Just uh.... Please don't wank to them. Live vicariously through me I suppose!