Not that it has too much to do with Snatcher, other than the fact that the guy who played the main character's voice in the English Dub of it is playing the main character's voice in my new film (Jeff Lupetin, he was my Voice Acting for Animation teacher back in College, and he volunteered his voice to the project, along with Kevin Czarnecki, who is right here on Newgrounds as Ebonyte and was ALSO in my VAFA class, and his friend Katelyn Foley.)
Its a stylized Noire about a hard on the bottle Detective who has to find a devious dame's Ruby Heart. If you don't know the Tournament of Flash Animators (TOFA), its a tournament where Flash Animators face off against each other. Basically, you're given a theme (this Round's theme is "Lost and Found", hence "Noire") and you have a limited amount of weeks to animate to that theme (in this case I had 4 weeks, but 2 weeks have already gone by, so I have 2 weeks left now.) Its being hosted by Newgrounds this year, and you may have already seen one of my entries for the Open Round (Who Wants to Create a Game Show?!?!?). Theres a prize too by the way (ALOT of money, a t-shirt, an interview, Adobe Products, etc.)
You can check out a screenshot below, and learn more about it (and see more screen shots) on my website at (or my Facebook Fanpage, which you can get to from the Biography section of my site.)
Check it out! Expect to see it around June 9th!
Jk jk, looks really cool. Nice use of colors.